Jewish Weddings

Though Natalie and Shai are both Jewish, we recognize that many of our nearest and dearest are not. And that’s okay! We understand that some of you may have questions about what is going to happen during our wedding ceremony; will it have the stomping of the glass and will we have to wear those little hats and why do they do that dance in the chair?

The Jewish wedding ceremony as it is performed today reflects a long period of evolution and adaptation. Practices vary within and between different Jewish communities, and there are both standard elements and requirements in Jewish law about what “must” be included, as well as choices to be made about traditions that are simply “customary” even if they are widely followed. The following pages will take you through some of the standard customs, practices, and terms associated with Jewish weddings. We hope it will enable all of you to fully participate and enjoy the day.

Please note: just as you are respectful of our beliefs, we have the utmost desire to respect yours. These are customs that Natalie and Shai have decided to take part in, but we do not want anyone to feel obligated to do anything they are not comfortable with doing, for whatever reason. Please feel free to participate to your comfort level! We want you there at our wedding day, just as you are.

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